Monday 12 November 2012

jquery basic information

jQuery is a JavaScript Library.
jQuery greatly simplifies JavaScript programming.
jQuery is easy to learn.
What is jQuery?
jQuery is a library of JavaScript Functions.
jQuery is a lightweight "write less, do more" JavaScript library.
The jQuery library contains the following features:
HTML element selections
HTML element manipulation
CSS manipulation
HTML event functions
JavaScript Effects and animations
HTML DOM traversal and modification
Adding the jQuery Library to Your Pages
The jQuery library is stored as a single JavaScript file, containing all the jQuery methods.
It can be added to a web page with the following mark-up:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
The following example demonstrates the jQuery hide() method, hiding all <p> elements in an HTML document.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<h2>This is a heading</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>
<button>Click me</button>
jQuery Syntax Examples
Demonstrates the jQuery hide() method, hiding the current HTML element.
Demonstrates the jQuery hide() method, hiding the element with id="test".
Demonstrates the jQuery hide() method, hiding all <p> elements.
Demonstrates the jQuery hide() method, hiding all elements with class="test".
jQuery Syntax
The jQuery syntax is tailor made for selecting HTML elements and perform some action on the element(s).
Basic syntax is: $(selector).action()
A dollar sign to define jQuery
A (selector) to "query (or find)" HTML elements
A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s)
$(this).hide() - hides current element.
$("p").hide() - hides all paragraphs.
$("p.test").hide() - hides all paragraphs with class="test".
$("#test").hide() - hides the element with id="test".
The Document Ready Function
You might have noticed that all jQuery methods, in our examples, are inside a document.ready() function:
   // jQuery functions go here...
jQuery Selectors
jQuery selectors are one of the most important parts of the jQuery library.
jQuery selectors allow you to select and manipulate HTML elements as a group or as a single element.
jQuery selectors are required at every step while using jQuery. Selectors allow you to get the exact element/attribute you want from your HTML document.
jQuery supports the existing CSS Selectors, and in addition, it has some own custom selectors.
All type of selectors in jQuery, start with the dollar sign and parentheses: $().
Examples of jQuery Selectors
$("*") selects all elements.
$("p") selects all <p> elements.
$("p.intro") selects all <p> elements with class="intro".
$("p#intro") selects the first <p> elements with id="intro".
$(":animated") selects all elements that are currently animated.
$(":button") selects all <button> elements and <input> elements of type="button".
$(":even") selects even elements.
$(":odd") selects odd elements.
Some More Examples
$(this):Selects the current HTML element
$("p#intro:first"):Selects the first <p> element with id="intro"
$(".intro"):Selects all elements with class="intro"
$("#intro"):Selects the first element with id="intro"
$("ul li:first"):Selects the first <li> element of the first <ul>
$("ul li:first-child"):Selects the first <li> element of every <ul>
$("[href]"):Selects all elements with an href attribute
$("[href$='.jpg']"):Selects all elements with an href attribute that ends with ".jpg"
$("[href='#']"):Selects all elements with an href value equal to "#"
$("[href!='#']"):Selects all elements with an href value NOT equal to "#"
$("div#intro .head"):Selects all elements with class="head" inside a <div> element with id="intro"
jQuery Event Functions
The jQuery event handling methods are core functions in jQuery.
Event handlers are methods that are called when "something happens" in HTML. The term "triggered (or "fired") by an event" is often used.
It is common to put jQuery code into event handler methods in the <head> section:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<h2>This is a heading</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>
<button>Click me</button>
In the example above, a function is called when the click event for the button is triggered:
$("button").click(function() {..some code... } )
The method hides all <p> elements:
jQuery Name Conflicts
jQuery uses the $ sign as a shortcut for jQuery.
Some other JavaScript libraries also use the dollar sign for their functions.
The jQuery noConflict() method specifies a custom name (like jq), instead of using the dollar sign.
jQuery Events
Here are some examples of event methods in jQuery:

Event Method   Description
$(document).ready(function) :Binds a function to the ready event of a document(when the document is finished loading)
$(selector).click(function):Triggers, or binds a function to the click event of selected elements
$(selector).dblclick(function):Triggers, or binds a function to the double click event of selected elements
$(selector).focus(function):Triggers, or binds a function to the focus event of selected elements
$(selector).mouseover(function):Triggers, or binds a function to the mouseover event of selected elements
jQuery Effects
jQuery hide()
Demonstrates a simple jQuery hide() method.
jQuery hide()
Another hide() demonstration. How to hide parts of text.
jQuery slideToggle()
Demonstrates a simple slide panel effect.
jQuery fadeTo()
Demonstrates a simple jQuery fadeTo() method.
jQuery animate()
Demonstrates a simple jQuery animate() method.
jQuery Hide and Show
jQuery Hide and Show
With jQuery, you can hide and show HTML elements with the hide() and show() methods:
Both hide() and show() can take the two optional parameters: speed and callback.
The speed parameter specifies the speed of the hiding/showing, and can take the following values: "slow", "fast", "normal", or milliseconds:
The jQuery toggle() method toggles the visibility of HTML elements using the show() or hide() methods.
Shown elements are hidden and hidden elements are shown.
The speed parameter can take the following values: "slow", "fast", "normal", or milliseconds.
jQuery Slide - slideDown, slideUp, slideToggle
The jQuery slide methods gradually change the height for selected elements.
jQuery has the following slide methods:
The speed parameter can take the following values: "slow", "fast", "normal", or milliseconds.
The callback parameter is the name of a function to be executed after the function completes.
jQuery Callback Functions
A callback function is executed after the current animation is 100% finished.
jQuery Callback Functions
JavaScript statements are executed line by line. However, with animations, the next line of code can be run even though the animation is not finished. This can create errors.
To prevent this, you can create a callback function.
A callback function is executed after the current animation (effect) is finished.
jQuery Callback Example
Typical syntax: $(selector).hide(speed,callback)
The callback parameter is a function to be executed after the hide effect is completed:
Example with Callback
  alert("The paragraph is now hidden");
Without a callback parameter, the alert box is displayed before the hide effect is completed:
alert("The paragraph is now hidden");
jQuery HTML Manipulation
jQuery contains powerful methods (functions) for changing and manipulating HTML elements and attributes.
Changing HTML Content
The html() method changes the contents (innerHTML) of matching HTML elements.
Adding HTML content
The append() method appends content to the inside of matching HTML elements.
The prepend() method "prepends" content to the inside of  matching HTML elements.
$("p").append(" W3Schools");
The after() method inserts HTML content after all matching elements.
The before() method inserts HTML content before all matching elements.
$("p").after(" W3Schools.");
jQuery css() Method
jQuery has one important method for CSS manipulation: css()
The css() method has three different syntaxes, to perform different tasks.
css(name) - Return CSS property value
css(name,value) - Set CSS property and value
css({properties}) - Set multiple CSS properties and values
Return CSS Property
Use css(name) to return the specified CSS property value of the FIRST matched element:
Set CSS Property and Value
Use css(name,value) to set the specified CSS property for ALL matched elements:
Set Multiple CSS Property/Value Pairs
Use css({properties}) to set one or more CSS property/value pairs for the selected elements:
jQuery height() and width() Methods
jQuery has two important methods for size manipulation.
Size Manipulation Examples
The height() method sets the height of all matching elements:
The width() method sets the width of all matching elements:
jQuery AJAX
jQuery has a rich library of methods (functions) for AJAX development.
What is AJAX?
AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
AJAX is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages.
AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.
AJAX and jQuery
jQuery provides a rich set of methods for AJAX web development.
With jQuery AJAX, you can request TXT, HTML, XML or JSON data from a remote server using both HTTP Get and HTTP Post.
The jQuery load() method is a simple (but very powerful) AJAX function. It has the following syntax:
Use the selector to define the HTML element(s) to change, and the url parameter to specify a web address for your data.

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